“Witches Brew” Cheesy Spinach Soup and Monster Sandwiches

Monster Sandwich and Witches Brew soup


Date: October 31, 2012

Recipes: http://www.annies-eats.com/2012/10/10/open-monster-face-sandwiches/ – Sandwiches

http://www.annies-eats.com/2012/10/04/witches-brew-cheesy-spinach-soup/ – Soup

Modifications: Pretty much just followed the recipe – I think we used one more potato than the recipe called for in the soup.

Time to table: 20 mins prep, 15 minutes simmering

Servings: 4 adults (for the soup)

Ben: Dislike – he wasn’t feeling the very very strong gruyere tonight, and he was a spoilsport and just made a “normal” sandwich 😉

Erin: Like

Annie: Like – definitely enjoyed making the sandwich!

Notes: Seemed like an appropriate, healthy and quick meal for Halloween before trick-or-treating! These open faced sandwiches are really fun for kids to make. It didn’t make Annie want to eat the veggies any more than normal – she just wanted the cheese and meat. She does really seem to like broccoli, so she ate that but she still isn’t a fan of peppers! The soup came together really quickly, and although the gruyere we got seemed a bit more pungent than normal, I still enjoyed it and so did Annie. Ben finished his but wasn’t a fan of the flavor of the cheese.

Monster sandwich

"witches brew" cheesy spinach soup

Making Monster Sandwiches

This entry was posted in broccoli, carrot, cheese, potato, red pepper, spinach. Bookmark the permalink.

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