Mini Turkey Meatloaf and Maple Green Beans

Mini Turkey Meatloaf and maple glazed green beans

Date: November 5, 2012


Modifications: Used a bit more sweet potato than called for, added a grated carrot to the meatloaf mixture.

Time to table: 20 mins prep, an hour bake time

Servings: 4 adults

Ben: Like, but far prefers this meatloaf

Erin: Like

Annie: Like

Luke: Loved chewing on a green bean, had a few bites of meatloaf

Notes: The green beans didn’t seem to get very roasted – they were still pretty crisp despite leaving them in for longer than the recipe said. I think you could put them on the sheet far earlier. I really liked the maple flavor, and Luke LOVED chewing on them a few days in a row.  I also cut up a few red potatoes and tossed in olive oil, salt and pepper and roasted those as well. Ben is still iffy on green beans ever since this little incident.

Meatloaf, green beans and potatoes

Annie at dinner

Luke at dinner

This entry was posted in carrot, garlic, green beans, onion, potato, sweet potato, turkey. Bookmark the permalink.

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