Stovetop macaroni and cheese

Mac and Cheese and roasted broccoli

Date: 11/3/2011


Time to table: 20 minutes

Modifications: Used whole wheat macaroni noodles. No other modifications.

Servings: 2 adult dinners, 2 adult lunches, 1 toddler dinner

Ben: Like

Erin: Like

Annie: Like

Notes: We served this with roasted broccoli. This is quite rich, and we all liked it. I really liked the raw garlic and shallot – I thought it gave it a nice bite. I loved the gouda – I’m glad we splurged and got that instead of a cheaper cheese because I think it made a big difference in flavor. The broccoli was necessary for all of us to cut the richness a bit. As Annie mentions in her post, this reheats very well and was delicious for lunches.

Gouda and parmesan

Macaroni and cheese

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