Date: 6/5/2012
Modifications: None
Time to table: 30 minutes prep
Servings: 4 adults
Ben: Like
Erin: Love
Annie: Like
Notes: You’ll notice that Annie hasn’t “loved” a dish in awhile – she just doesn’t seem as into eating lately, unless it’s ice cream or cookies 🙂 You’d think she’d scarf down waffles, but she is always much more interested in eating the fruit! I thought these were great, especially for being a “healthy” recipe – they still tasted sweet (of course, Ben and I put maple syrup on them – but even without that. We told Annie syrup is medicine and so far she hasn’t demanded it 😉 and I loved the addition of cinnamon. They weren’t as fluffy as other waffle recipes we’ve made, but they still kept their shape pretty well.
Annie loves helping me separate the strawberries – stems in the compost!