Baby frittatas

Baby Frittatas

Date: June 5, 2011


Modifications:  I didn’t have any tomatoes, so I just used more asparagus. 3 eggs didn’t seem like enough, so I used 4. It would have been enough though, so just stick to 3 unless you want more than one mini-muffin pan.

Time to table: 10 minutes prep, 15 minutes to bake

Servings: 12 mini-muffin sized frittatas

Ben: Like

Erin: Like

Annie: Like

Notes: I have made it my life’s mission to get Annie to voluntarily consume asparagus. She didn’t eat much of it, but she did pick up a few bites and put them in her mouth on her own for the 2 meals when she had these. That was enough of a win for me. She might have liked them better with tomatoes in there too.We had gotten the asparagus from the farmers market the day before, and I chopped it up tiny to increase the changes of Annie eating it.

These totally stuck to the mini muffin pan, despite a liberal spraying of olive oil, so grease the heck out of them.

Annie eating frittatas

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